When I was still a ghost, I decided to become the human being I am today because I wanted to experience exactly what I am right now.
This statement comes from a child. Imagine it is like this. Your soul has decided for you. And although you somehow feel this deep down, you have forgotten that this is the case in the course of your life.
Why am I actually here? What is the deeper meaning of my being? You may be tormented by questions like these.
A Dialogue from Human to Soul
“Being human is not easy," the Soul says.
“Same goes for being soul," Human replies.
„Being human is a decision that requires courage. Courage to go on a chaotic adventure journey. And I do not feel properly prepared, because it seems to overwhelm all my senses. Nonetheless, I choose to be with you,the Soul answers.
„Being a soul also requires courage. Courage to endure the silence. It feels so lonely and meaningless. I choose for you anyway." Human says.
„I courageously accept you, I say yes to being human and I decide from now on to be fully present as a courageous soul in, around and with you, human being. Adventurous and alive. Even in the quietest and deepest moments," the Soul sighs and takes the Human by the hand.
„I too pronounce my yes. Yes to you, Soul. Yes to you as an indescribable soul being who can only be recognised in the greatest silence and depth. It is so good to have you here. Then I no longer feel alone in my loneliest and darkest moments.“
Soul and Human walk together hand in hand, here in this world on earth!
Are you a human being on earth? Do you have the desire to contribute as you in the sense of the further development of the community of all human beings? Do you want to enjoy every moment of your life in its entirety? Then dive deeper into the work of HAYDEN • SOULWORK.
Come Soul, take courage, and learn to be human with us! Come Human, say YES! and celebrate the full existence as a soul on earth.

The HAYDEN • SOULWORK Academy is our invitation to you to rediscover your humanness, to reclaim ownership of your self, to feel and experience yourself in your body and to enjoy being alive.
We accompany you to learn in community with other souls and people and to contribute your part in shaping the world in the process of blending newst science with oldest wisdom.
The Academy offers you a Basic Course to relearn how to fully exist as a human being on earth and to say YES to life. Together with you, we celebrate your individual homework for your impact as YOUR self in the WE. Our teaching material has a depth that has collectively shaped the earth since the beginning of the world in which we live at present.
Im Aufbaukurs you receive further gifts from us and we equally benefit from you. Commit to life, celebrate living it and take us and others with you on your journey.
Come with us on the adventure journey to yourself!
With the HAYDEN • SOULWORK Projects we support you to courageously move forward as a pioneer of a new world and to recognise the impact you have on the development of the entire world with every feeling, every thought, every word and every activity. We are happy to explore new paths with you, to stumble, to get back up and to celebrate successes.
Grow even further beyond your previous life experiences and discover a world that until now seemed inaccessible to you.
Gehe über die Grenzen des Sichtbaren, Hörbaren und Spürbaren mit uns im Workshop „Adventure Journey Through The Koshas”.
Recognise the magic, the beauty and the truth in all that is and in all that is not. The Hayden Model reconciles newest science with oldest philosophy and universal wisdom. DIE BOX I and DIE BOX II serves as your personal toolbox on your individual way to health and well-being.
Immerse yourself in unprecedented perspectives of the already known world. Discover the Expert Knowledge which lies behind the Hayden Model.
The world around you gets shaped from within you!