
Interdependenz, Co-Dependenz und Projektion – Ein Weg zur Versöhnung mit sich selbst und der Welt

Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, warum du dich in manchen Beziehungen oder Situationen so abhängig oder hilflos fühlst? Warum du immer wieder dieselben ungesunden Verhaltensmuster wiederholst, obwohl du eigentlich etwas ändern möchtest? Wenn ja, dann könnte die ICH-Orientierte Traumaintegration dir dabei helfen, diese Fragen zu beantworten. Wie die “Blue Marble”-Aufnahme das Verständnis unserer Verbindung […]

CategoriesDYFH Wisdom

Buddha and the Businessman.

"Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." Buddha quote Once upon a time, there was a businessman who angrily approached Buddha and spat at him because his children, who should have been spending their time making money, were instead meditating with Buddha. When the businessman insulted him and [...]


DYFH 1 - Own your Life.

Many years ago in a training course, I came across a famous phrase by Walt(er Elias) Disney. I promised myself that I would never forget it, so I made it my own: "Dream, Believe, Dare, Do." From then on, it was my companion on the way through life and led to a new

CategoriesHayden Model

The Hayden Model

The Hayden Model. Introduction of the BOX.Imagine there would exist something like a toolbox, which you can open again and again on the way to a self-efficient life, whenever you need it, and which you can use for yourself in a meaningful way. I will call it quite simply, the "BOX". Now imagine that this BOX consists of a beautiful design, so that it easily fits into your home. Imagine that it gives your home and the whole interior as well as all your flatmates or visitors a new look as soon as they come into contact with it. All remains the same and everything changes […]